Fall 2009
After the experience of working with older people in "Conversations" there was no doubt that the next piece had to be an evening dedicated solely to the stories of older individuals.
Five women in their seventies and eighties tapped, boogied to the Beatles, and polkaed their way to the stage. While learning about surviving the Holocaust, the death of a husband, and losing a loved one in the Vietnam War, we fell in love with these women.
In the post-show discussion we were encouraged to buy a bus and take the show on the road.
Cast & Crew
Created by Pam Kuntz with Performing Artists: Paige Fredlund and Sarah Schermer
Community Participants: Lynnette Allen, Noemi Ban, Marge Moench, Dorothy Regal, Barbara Sylvester
Costumer: Sarah Schermer
Sound Designers: Paige Fredlund, Pam Kuntz, Sarah Schermer
Lighting Designer: Mark Kuntz
Photographer: Suzanne Fogarty