Kuntz and Company's mission is to tell the stories of our community through the arts with the intention of gaining a better understanding of the human condition.
Kuntz and Company is a nonprofit, professional dance/theatre company that produces original work.
Every work created by Kuntz and Company tells the stories of our community. Community members are invited into the process to discover and share their individual stories with the artists.
Throughout the creative process Kuntz and Company involves a wide range of professional artists including photographers, composers, musicians, dancers, actors, and visual artists.
Choosing subjects of universal interest, Kuntz and Company frequently chooses topics by request. Recent topics include Asperger’s syndrome, HIV/AIDS, and Family. Upcoming include caring for our children and religion.
The innovative, inclusive pieces we create enhance familiar human stories even as they make the less familiar fields of dance and theatre more accessible to the community. The enthusiastic and empathetic responses received from viewers affirm the powerful human connection made between art and community life and attest to the rekindled sense of empowerment that follows.